Original Article about The Columbine High School incident, by Rabies Dave:
Originally published in The Chamber Canada's Darkest Magazine in 1999.
November Helloween Issue. Leave your comments.
Mainstream Media and Avoidance of Responsibility Regarding the Colorado Massacre
On April 20, 1999, a couple of really messed up kids went into Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and shot a whole bunch of "innocent" people whose only crime had been to constantly harass them, violently beat them up every so often, steal their stuff, and occasionally threaten to rape them. It's about time. I was overjoyed to hear the news, although some things about it seemed a bit weird. At first the media were saying that the slayers had shot students at random. I thought that couldn't be right. The kids were supposed to have been wearing black trenchcoats. Normal kids don't wear those, especially in the US where fashion errors alone can get people shot....and freaks never commit random murders. The perpetuators of those crimes are always highly conformed to the society in which they live, and are never seen as a threat untill after the incident. I and everyone I knew figured the shootings had to have been planned, that they were after specific students against whom they had some previous argument. This was confirmed within a few hours, although the argument over whether or not the students had a target at all is still going on....in the mainstream, anyway. After that, reports started coming out that the students who carried out the massacre were neo-nazis who targeted ethnic and blacks students - and that they were also goths. This really doesn't make sense. Goths are typically not only non-violent, but strongly anti-racist. Not only that, but so many of them are bisexual, or sympathise with gays and bisexuals, that the skinhead movement doesn't like them very much. In fact, goths and skinheads really hate each other. So I did my own research on the internet and without even looking very far I found enough information to come to the following conclusion: NEVER BELIEVE A WORD YOU READ IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. They're a pack of shameless, sensationalist, cowardly, conformist, liars.
A day or two after the event, the Edmonton Sun had the nerve to publish the following statement with neither disclaimer nor qualification:
"They listened to nazi German techno bands, like Rammstein."
There are no nazi techno bands, in Germany or anywhere else. The techno crowd would lynch them. And Rammstein is neither techno nor nazi. They sing about sadomasochism and sexual deviance, with almost no variation from that theme. It is so tempting to take advantage of the ignorance of the mainstream....I'll bet that I could find a crowd of closet nazis anywhere in the preppy subculture, and get the fools chanting Rammstein lyrics as their slogans. Picture a bunch of neophyte skinheads chanting, "Kuess mich, fellfrosch!" Loosely translated, it means "kiss me with your pussy." (Fellfrosch literally means "fuzzy-frog," but I've contextualised the slang.) This is typical. The hypocritical mainstream has declared that racial stereotyping of Germans is acceptable, since a very terse and simplistic definition of "race" puts them in the same category as the dominant Anglo-Saxons. In case you have missed a few hundred years worth of history, you should be informed that Anglo-Saxons and Germans have almost always been at war, and traditionally hate each other. They only co-operated when they were killing French people. It used to be common for Anglos to believe that Germans were pagans who cannibalised each other and performed human sacrifices. They also believed that Germany, which has never officially been a Christian country, officially promoted the harassment of Catholics by nailing live cats to the doors of their churches. They identified Germans as being a people who were far too acceptant of Jewish migrants, and accused them of helping Jewish people kidnap English infants to drink their blood. After W.W.II it became trendy to declare that all Germans are Nazis, a fad which is still going strong. The only support anyone really has for the contention that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were nazis, is the fact that one of them was German and unashamed of it. Harris spoke German, and listened to a lot of German music. He even wore T-shirts with German writing on them. This is a big mistake in the US, since Americans don't speak German and they don't bother to get a translations; when they see it on a shirt, they assume it to be nazi propaganda and attack the person wearing it. One of Columbine's students, Jen LaPlante, said in an on-line interview:
"With as much German paraphernalia as they had, I wouldn't be surprisedif they were racist, but they were never hostile or never said anything derogatory beforehand."
(http://www.nachoworld.com/rebldomakr/jen.html June 1, 1999)
She also confirms that the only ones who support the contention that they went after blacks first were "the people in the library." It happens that this group consists of students in the school who were highest in the local social structure. Those ones seem to have had a good reason for declaring these two students to be racist scary neo-nazis. They needed to distract attention from themselves.
There was a definite racial problem at that school, and it was one of the things which fuelled the slayers' hatred of society. Eric Harris had a web page on which he often declared strong anti-racist opinions. I have been unable to find a mirror site for this web page or any other on-line documentation of it, but Rolling Stone magazine, in issue #814 (June 10, 1999), quoted comments such as these:
"All you racist (and if you think I'm a hypocrite, come here so I can kill you) mother fucking assholes in America who burn the flag and disgrace my land, GET OUT!"
"You know what I hate? RACISM?!!...don't let me catch you making fun of someone because they are a different colour because i will come in and break your fucking legs with a plastic spoon."
This is interesting, especially when you consider the other testimonies which came out during that time. The athletes at the school were responsible for a barrage of harassment against black and Jewish students, and parents of these kids are coming out to say that the administrators ignored the problem with the intent to cover it up - protecting their own reputations. As if we would expect anything better from them. Steve Greene is the father of a Jewish student at Columbine, and he wasted one and a half years trying to co-operate with the system. The school insists that it does not tolerate racial harassment, and claims to deal with these situations according to a zero tolerance policy. We all know how well one can trust a teacher's assessment of his own effectiveness. According to this parent:
"Greene says the district's indifference to his son's case helps explain why Harris and Klebold were able to prepare and carry out their deadly plan.Greene says his son's experience was proof that Columbine's administration ignored troublesomesituations even in the face of repeated complaints."(http://www.nandotimes.com May 7,1999)
(http://www.nando.com/noframes/story/0,2107,46111-74422-535332-0,00.html May 28, 1999)
Two of the school's favourite athletes had been telling his son that they were going to burn him in an oven, and teased him by singing songs with derogatory references to Jews. They acted as if they idolised Hitler, just to see him squirm. The school board's hypocrisy was so intense that his father eventually had to threaten them with legal action in order to get the problem dealt with. The parents of Isaiah Shoels, who, ironically, is one of the students who died in the shootings, went through the same routine. For being black he had suffered severely at the hands of the socially dominant crowds of his school, along with his younger sister, and his parents never did manage to get anything done about it. Knowing the typical behaviour of human beasts, I would expect that - since freaks are often lower on the scales of institutions' status quos than are any racial groups - the school allowed him to take out his rage on those two. There are witnesses who say that Harris had had some bad history with him, which is unfortunate, because they should have stuck together. There are many more complaints as well. A few people make vague references to a student who committed suicide to escape from it, and Columbine High School is almost exclusively white because so many ethnic students have been driven out. The only ones who receive the lightest measure of tolerance are the Latinos, but only to the extent - it seems - that they can stand to stay. Harris had a girlfriend who was half Latina, and who insists that he really was not a racist person. He had endured a lot of treatment because of that, and was close to the Latin community of his school as a result. Of course, the idiot killed one of them as well....I have to admit there are some points on which I consider the guy a complete tool. If you're going to strike back; make it dominant ones only, please.
There is one other thing. This e-mail was posted on a message board at dejanews:
"Greetings Gay Bikers,
Today, a bunch of our fellow homosexuals at Columbine HS in Denver Colorado, known as the Trench Coat Mafia, decided that they had taken enough crap from the straight community that had been abusing them and have decided to take matters into their own hands. We should all applaud their bravery and hope that they can hold out as long as possible in their fight for gay people everywhere. We can only hope that they can turn this into the gay alamo and hold out for 13 days of glory. If they can hold out for two days I think gay bikers everywhere should considering riding into Denver as a relief force to fight alongside them."
We need to show solidarity!!!"
Queen Jeff"
(http://x16.dejanews.com/%5BST_rn=qs%5D...0&CONTEXT=924646229.364052583&hitnum=0 May 28, 1999)
This is interesting, but even more interesting are the following articles. They were posted at www.trenchcoat.org (obtained on May 27, 1999). This was originally a fake web site, constructed very shortly after the massacre, which claimed to be the official homepage of the Trench Coat Mafia. It played up all the stereotypes, and used them to attract hate mail which they then posted on the site. Look at these entries:
From: "Kid 72" kid1972@hotmail.com
Subject: You fucking queers are all alike!
I like how you faggots target others when people can't agree with your lifestyles. If hating normal people you feel superior because you are gay, that's fine. But it's wrong to make fun of last week's incident. you can keep Marylin Manson. He's a fucking homo too. Do you guys only like him because he's weird and queer too? It must. He has no talent. He's worse than the monkees. They eventually got ability.You will always be a social misfit. You will never fit in. I doubt you'll work anywhere besides McDonalds or Wal-Mart. But don't let that get you down. I'll always need uneducated pee-ons to wait on my every need and carry my groceries to my car.
From: Wyd90@aol.com
Subject: You need to read this!
You are all mixed up. If you are going to attempt fame or supremacy, whatever it is you miwed up fucks are trying to do, DO IT RIGHT. I do not care for the blacks, or hispanics.... they piss me off. What pisses me off is that you are wasting your time on them. I do no know you guys may be fags, but in my opinion they are the ones who deserve to die...........CP is doing it right. Untill you can see the difference between a good and a bad reason to kill someone you will just be punks. We do what we need to do. Not on television, because when they do not know we are there we are. When they least expect it. Then we attack. Just another poor fag piece of shit that know one will miss right. We are world wide, Only the strong will survive, all fags must die! You mofia is know under attack. WE DECLARE WAR! 4/20 how original! FAGS! (sic)
By the way, CP stands for Canadian Patriots. They're a Canadian white supremacist organisation which consists almost entirely of Suits and Preppies. And they're right, they attack where no one is looking for them. While the public is chasing punks, Christians, and rednecks around the block calling them racist, these guys and others like them work with immunity.
The above information shows that even if Harris and Klebolt weren't gay, they were stuck with that stigma. There are witnesses who say that they were often taunted by jocks who called them "faggots." This is no surprise, considering the publicly homophobic nature of athletic society. There is one thing which no one seems to explain. It is well known that Harris mentioned this massacre as much as a year ahead of time in his memoirs. What's strange is that he and his friend carried it out at a time when he was doing well in school and had few problems. He was starting to act more or less normal. It may be significant to note that neither of them was ever really part of the clique at Columbine called the Trenchcoat Mafia. They had only recently started dressing like them and while they occasionally did hang out with that crowd, most of their friends were quite normal. Harris' writings about the massacre are childish and not very specific, and he seems to have made bombs mostly as a hobby. The bombs he made weren't very good ones at that. He did not have access to any good information. If I had been making his arsenal, no one would have survived the assault....and I don't consider myself an expert. The fact is, they were really not that well prepared for it. Their pipe bombs did little more than make a loud noise and their fuel-air bombs had no air in them. But people who knew them said that Harris started acting really weird about a month before the assault. Klebolt began to act weird also, but Harris was the dominant one of the pair and Klebolt's behaviour seemed to be a reaction to him. The significance of this revolves around the various meanings of April 20, the day of the massacre. It is Hitler's birthday, as the media have so gladly pointed out. Also, it is National Pot Smoking Day; a big unofficial holiday celebrated by jocks in the US. More importantly, in a lot of places it is also Gay Bashing Day. Considering the attitude of the jocks at that school, and that the slayers had the "faggot" stigma attached to them, it may be significant. Personally, I believe that what snapped Harris into action was a threat given to him about a month before the massacre. It is possible that any evidence of that will remain censored by the American FBI for a long time, but I feel it is important to point out the possibility. It makes for an interesting discussion, but it is one that is not likely to happen outside the underground.
The fact that, as mentioned earlier, they hit some people who were supposed to be their friends, leads to a lot of confusion on the part of their motivation. As far as I'm concerned, we don't have enough information. They killed a friend who had recently converted to Christianity - a former goth - and this is cited as an excuse to say their violence was random. The Rolling Stone article quoted earlier contains interesting information about the dominant status of Christians at the school, which may mean that they considered her a traitor. But that remains only a possibility, and considering this sort of ambiguity is the exception, it is likely trivial. Regardless, placing aside all these weak appeals to ignorance ("it must have been random because we can't prove it wasn't" is a fallacy); it seems obvious to me. They said it repeatedly; "I'm doing this because you made fun of me last year." They boldly declared to the world what their motivation was, and we all could have guessed anyway. However, mainstream society is not really concerned about finding their motivation; factors they keep referring to as "motives" are, in reality, facilitators. Guns and violent entertainment merely allow people who would ordinarily not have acted out to develop the necessary emotional strength and corporeal potential to carry out existing impulses. The mainstream wants to prevent this event from recurring, but their focus lies entirely in maintaining control of society. They believe that anyone who does not "fit in" is fundamentally flawed, and is a danger to them. After a while this becomes true - someone who would have been merely a harmless eccentric may be traumatised to the extent of losing his or her emotions entirely. But the abuse heaped on them is a intended as a method of ruining their confidence to ensure that they accept their given place in society.
Following this trend, the regular media have seized on a number of options for dealing with the problem, all of which are methods of preventing resistance against this conditioning. These range from disarmament to greater school discipline. They include banning forms of entertainment which might provoke aggressive behaviour on the part of outcasts. The real issue - of social dominance leading to abuse and being circularly reinforced by it - is a problem addressed by virtually all sociologists and social psychologists, particularly among activist groups with specific agendas. The feminist movement was the first to realise that harassment and abuse tend to lead to a strengthening of existing power structures. Unfortunately they see it only as a product of a patriarchal society whose central objective is to control women. Other social activists looking at the structure and function of racial discrimination have noticed the same pattern of abuse of power, concluding that it results from the ideology of white societies. The gay rights movement now follows suit. Pointless. This is a small-minded perspective. In every human society, people are permitted to abuse their status. All social hierarchies are resolved and enforced with harassment, intimidation and violence. The only result of the approach taken by these movements will be to establish a new hierarchy with all the same problems. This leads to a misguided perspective; that the issue stems from our lack of status. This is the same approach I'm tempted to take. IT WILL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING. Once we raise our status to being above theirs, we will be using the same methods to subjugate them. Social power structures are nothing more than the results of random chance. They are meaningless and futile. This is not to say that I am a pacifist; screw that.
What must be resisted is the general tendency of society to grant legal immunity for the purpose of promoting abusive behaviour. In lip service, all our institutions promote the idea of equality, misguidedly interpreting it as a question of establishing equal status for everyone. This is not possible. They know that, and this is why it is not working. Illogical ideals can never be practised. We must first of all convince people that they are amply protected from each other. With a school system that abandons us to the neurotic sadism of fashionable subcultures this will never happen. Students must be genuinely protected, either by the system itself (HA HA HA HA HA! That was a good one! Protection coming from the system!!!).........
Seriously. Resistance from us must be intense and violent, but must be angled to protect anyone - anyone, in any crowd, from abuse - regardless of our own attitudes and morals. I can anticipate what will most likely be declared a moral "grey area" in this philosophy. Do we protect pedophiles? And rapists? And wife-beaters? Manipulative pimps? Bloody hell - of course not. This is not a moral issue at all. They are, in this context, abusers. If someone has harmed someone else, they should not be protected. That is not abuse, it's retaliation, and it is a natural consequence that we need. By preventing vigilantism, our society has removed the primary deterrent which could prevent abusive behaviour. The only reason that vigilantism hasn't worked in the past, is because of cultural perspectives which turn people's natural desire for justice into a power trip.
No one in the mainstream will come to these conclusions, for the same reasons. They have been misinformed. I said earlier that people must feel protected. I mean from the behaviour of deviants, obviously. The mainstream wants to be protected from the existence of deviants. This is one of those cultural factors. They have been led to believe that they are not safe unless they are "in control." We live in a nation of sociopaths. Now, there has been some responsible coverage of this event in the mainstream. Too little, too late....just enough to rescue some reputations in case the truth comes out a little to strongly. This is how it will always be. When the event happened, the immediate response of those targeted was to project their own faults on their attackers. This method of attatching social stigma removed any discussion of the issue from the public eye, but not in the obvious way (demonising them, specifically). They made it seem as if the existence of freaks were a dangerous situation to be dealt with; as if a flaw was in them so great that it prevented them from functioning as human beings. If this were true it would be impossible to discuss the factors which led them to lose their compassion for their peers. They would have already been like that, and deserved the treatment they got; making the fault existential. This is what sociologists call "individualisation of social problems." (Peter Conrad, 1975, "The Discovery of Hyperkinesis: Notes on the Medicalization of Deviant Behaivior", Social Problems, Vol. 23, no.1)
By making it seem as if there was a specific problem with those two people, the context of the discussion is altered; no longer including their environment. This event was not the result of individual problems. It is SOCIETY'S PROBLEM. (Good grief, how long did it take to convince them of that?...) The confusing issue which remains is this: if everybody at that school suffered, why did these two kids snap and no one else? The answer is plain to me. Not everyone lives the same life. What one person can endure will destroy another. There are multitudinous scources of stress, some innate and some environmental....it is an error to expect the same level of strength from everybody involved, since one can not possibly know how much weight is already on the shoulders of an individual. Everyone was affected, but it was just a matter of time before someone tripped on a live wire.
That, or maybe they just had a lot more valour than the rest of us.
Valhalla awaits.
Trenchcoat Mafia Forever.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
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